
IFC Import - Tips /...
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IFC Import - Tips / prefered Software

2 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
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270 Ansichten
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Beigetreten: Vor 1 Jahr
Beiträge: 1

we are currently testing Sim Vicus a little, which, we think, shows great potential both for our workingflow and with regard to the funktionalities! Great Projekt!

At the moment Im trying the IFC import a little, and was wondering if anybody has tips regarding the IFC Format / Software. 

Altough complete IFC tree is defined, we experience some problems with the IFC export from Revit, and werer wondiering if somebody has experience with other software? 

It is clear to us that no IFC import is perfekt, so no high expectations from our side....

Looking Forward for other People experiences! 

Schlagwörter für Thema
Stephan Hirth
Mitglied Admin
Beigetreten: Vor 3 Jahren
Beiträge: 2

Hello Hans,

thanks for your question! Did you use SIM-VICUS 1.0.4 or an older version? Since we updated the IFC-Import majorly in our latest release, it will be best to use this release.

We are also having some trouble concerning the IFC-Export from Revit, but since I am not an absolute expert in this field I will talk to my colleague and he will also give you some advices.

So just that you know, you will get a reply with more details a little bit later.

Best regards
Stephan (SIM-VICUS Team)

